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Are you looking for a nutritional supplement to give the maximum in each workout, which favors muscle recovery. In Life Pro Nutrition you will find the best pre-workouts on the market, manufactured in-house. Without intermediaries.

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  • 38.61 € WITH VOUCHER
42.90 €
1 Reviews
Life Pro Wild Pump is a pre-workout with caffeine that promotes improved performance and energy levels during workouts.
  • 36.81 € WITH VOUCHER
40.90 €
2 Reviews
Life Pro Wild PumpNon Stimulant is a caffeine-free pre-workout that promotes performance enhancement, vasodilation and mineral supply to the muscles.
  • 3.51 € WITH VOUCHER
3.90 €
Life Pro Wild Pump is a sample of our pre-workout with caffeine that promotes improved performance and energy levels during workouts.

What is a pre-workout?

A pre-workout is a sports supplement specifically designed to be taken before physical activity and high intensity training, with the main objective of improving performance, energy levels and even concentration.

Each pre-workout may contain a unique formulation of ingredients, depending on the purpose for which it has been created. These range from isolated amino acids or groups of them (bcaa, EAA), essential fatty acids, plant extracts, carbohydrates, to large amounts of caffeine and/or guarana.

It is important to choose a pre-workout that suits the individual's particular goals and needs. Choosing the right pre-workout will enhance physical performance, help postpone the feeling of fatigue and even increase strength and concentration levels.

What are the benefits of taking a pre-workout?

  • They help improve performance: they can help increase strength levels as well as improve endurance. 
  • They are an aid to higher intensity and more demanding workouts.
  • They promote energy production and help combat fatigue.
  • Delay the onset of fatigue during training.
  • They increase mental focus and concentration.
  • They promote pump and can help increase the amount of nitric oxide.
  • Those containing thermogenics or other similar compounds may promote fat loss along with a calorie deficit.
  • Those containing amino acids promote protein synthesis and help provide the necessary nutrients your muscles need at all times.

Types of pre-workout: with and without stimulants

To differentiate the types of pre-workout, we can classify them according to whether or not they contain caffeine or other types of stimulants.

Pre-workouts with stimulants:

This type is characterised by the stimulant substances in its formulation. They aim to increase athletic performance, energy levels and delay the sensation of fatigue.

The main source in their formulation is caffeine or guarana. These are components that naturally stimulate the central nervous system. Caffeine is one of the most widely used supplements due to its effectiveness.

Stimulant-free pre-workouts:

This type of supplement is characterised by the fact that it does not contain any substance or compound that stimulates the central nervous system. It is the alternative for people who are sensitive or intolerant to caffeine or for those who have other main objectives, such as increasing pump, vasodilation or the amount of nitric oxide among many others.

One of its main advantages is that it can be consumed at times close to sleep and rest without causing insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.

Components of a pre-workout

Each pre-workout supplement has a different composition. Some may have only 1 ingredient or a combination of several that act synergistically.

Some of the most common are:

  • Beta Alanine: part of carnosine, it helps prevent fatigue, has antioxidant properties and promotes the absorption of certain minerals. It can produce a slight tingling sensation called paraesthesia.
  • Creatine: composed of 3 amino acids L-Arginine, Glycine and L-Methionine with further evidence that it promotes energy production and increased strength.
  • Taurine: non-essential amino acid involved in energy production at the cellular level and does not contain stimulants.
  • L Arginine: promotes vasodilation and is a precursor of nitric oxide. It improves muscle congestion during and after workouts.
  • L Carnitine: an amino acid that transports fats into cells so they can be used as an energy source.
  • R ALA: a natural antioxidant that fights free radicals and protects cells from damage. It increases stores of glutathione, the most important antioxidant.
  • L citrulline: a precursor of arginine and nitric oxide which promotes strength and muscle mass gain.
  • Extracts of black pepper, cayenne, etc.
  • Vitamins and minerals: required for many functions and promote the absorption of other compounds.

When to take pre-workout?

If it contains stimulants:

It is recommended to take a caffeinated pre-workout within 20 to 40 minutes before training.

Different people have different sensitivities to caffeine. Each person's dosage may vary. Consuming a pre-workout with caffeine or other stimulant substances close to sleep can interfere with the quality of sleep and rest and lead to insomnia.

Avoid consumption 4 to 6 hours before sleep.

If it does not contain stimulants:

The intake of a pre-workout without caffeine or stimulants can be taken within a pre-workout period of 20 to 40 minutes.

They are recommended for all people who are sensitive to caffeine, are unloaded or do not wish to consume it.

This type of pre-workout can be consumed close to sleep. It does not interfere with rest, which can be ideal for those who train in the afternoon or evening.

What is the best pre-workout?

The best pre-workout for each person will depend on the individual's goal and personal characteristics. You have to take into account the purpose for which you want to use this type of supplement, whether it is to get more energy, improve concentration, increase the amount of nitric oxide, muscle congestion, etc.

At Life Pro we offer you a wide range of pre-workout supplements in different formulations, with stimulants and without stimulants, so you can choose the one that best suits you.

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